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AI assistant

Shy Editor AI is an artificially intelligent assistant that is designed to help you write faster, generate ideas, proofread your work, summarize sheets, and quickly find the information contained within your Shy Editor projects.

Each request to the AI assistant costs 1 AI credit. All users receive 20 free credits per month, and you receive 200 credits per month when you subscribe to Shy Editor Pro. You can purchase additional credits directly.

If you do not want to use the assistant in a project, you can turn it off in the project settings.

Assistant window

The assistant window offers a variety of ways to help you work with the current sheet. The assistant can summarize the sheet, continue writing it, provide constructive feedback, and more - the exact list of options is dynamic and changes based on the project type and what has already been written.

Contextual assistance

Shy Editor AI can also provide contextual assistance that integrates into your workflow. For example, clicking on the icon next to any paragraph wring bring up the assistant options that are available for that paragraph:

ai text

The assistant is also integrated into the user interface when appropriate. For example, clicking this icon in the overview will allow you to automatically generate a summary for the current sheet:

ai context



Shy Editor advice is free and does not use AI credits.

Shy Editor also provides automated tips on how to improve your writing or your project organisation. These tips will appear in the Advice section of the AI assistant window.