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Markdown is a simple way to add style, lists, links, and other formatting to plain text. In Shy Editor, you can use Markdown syntax, and it will automatically be transformed into the final view right inside the editor window. Supported elements are:

Full Block Commands

  • # followed by a space to create a title or H1
  • ## followed by a space to create a subtitle or H2
  • ### followed by a space to create a heading or H3
  • #### followed by a space to create a strong block or H4
  • [] followed by a space to create an uncompleted todo
  • [x] followed by a space to create a completed todo
  • - or * followed by a space to create a bullet list
  • 1., 2., 3., 4. etc. followed by a space to create a numbered list
  • > followed by a space to create a block quote
  • ``` followed by a space to create a code block

Inline Commands

  • Wrap words between * and * or _ and _ for italic
  • Wrap words between ** and ** or __ and __ for bold
  • Wrap words between *** and *** or ___ and ___ for bold&italic
  • Wrap words between ~~ and ~~ for strikethrough
  • Wrap words between ``` and ```for inline code
  • Type --- to insert a line separator