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When you open a project in Shy Editor, the default user interface looks as follows:

full ui

  1. Binder
  2. Editor
  3. Project tool window
  4. Navigation bar
  5. Status bar

Depending on your web browser, platform, Shy Editor subscription, and settings, your UI might look slightly different.


The binder displays the structure of your project and allows you to manage your sheets.

  1. Change the order of your sheets by dragging them using the drag handle
  2. Delete a sheet by clicking the 'Delete' icon
  3. You can change the project display to the Corkboard View
  4. Switch between viewing all sheets and viewing your bookmarks

You can also right-click the project title or a sheet to bring up the context menu with even more options.


Use the editor to write, read and edit your text.

You can learn more about you can do in the editor in the Edit and format section.

Project tool windows

Tool windows provide functionality that supplements editing text. For example, the 'Overview' tool displays information about the sheet and project outlines and status.

You can learn more about available tools in the Tools and AI assistant sections.

The navigation bar at the top provides controls to navigate the various options that Shy editor offers in a project.

navigation bar

  1. Toggle binder open/closed
  2. Go back to your home page with a list of your projects
  3. Add a new sheet to the project
  4. Open Search
  5. Toggle Assistant window open/closed
  6. Toggle Tools window open/closed

Status bar

The left part of the status bar at the bottom of the main window shows the current project sync status. If you hover over the sync status with the mouse pointer you can see detailed information about whether the project has been saved, what is the current sync status, when was the last time the local project was synced with the server, and a description of any errors that occurred.